Incomplete and still in progress
Before you start with the installation, make sure all requirements are met. If your system fullfills all requirements, the installation of Keestash is very easy:
- Download the ZIP archive on your web server
- Verify the downloaded archive with the checksum
- Unzip and move the folder next to the document root of your web server
- make sure your web server user is the owner of the files
- for instance, for Apache on Ubuntu, run the following command: sudo chwon -R <keestash-folder-name>
- Copy config/config.sample.php to config/config.php and fill the variables:
Name | Description | Recommended Value |
show_errors | shows/hides errors in the response/browser | false |
debug | sets the application into debug mode | false |
db_host | the hostname of the database | |
db_user | the username of the Keestash database user | |
db_password | the password of the Keestash database user | |
db_name | the database/schema name for Keestash | |
db_port | the database port | |
db_charset | the database charset | utf8mb4 |
log_requests | once enabled, all requests are logged into a database table | true |
email_smtp_host | The SMTP host to send emails | |
email_user | The SMTP user that sends emails | |
email_protocol | Usually SSL/TLS | |
email_port | The SMTP port (usually 465, 587 or 25(not recommended)) | |
email_password | The SMTP users password | |
log_level | The application log level (DEBUG = 100, INFO = 200, NOTICE = 250, WARNING = 300, ERROR = 400, CRITICAL = 500, ALERT = 550, EMERGENCY = 600) | 400 |
hibp_api_key | The Have I Been PWned API Key – only if you are running password health check | |
sentry_dsn | To log data (especially errors) to sentry | |
frontend_url | To set the redirect links correctly – highly recommended |
- then, run the following command(s):
# download and unzip keestash
sudo -u www-data php api/bin/console.php instance:environment --force environment production &&
sudo -u www-data php api/bin/console.php instance:environment --force saas false &&
sudo -u www-data php ./api/vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c api/config/phinx/instance.php &&
sudo -u www-data php ./api/vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c api/config/phinx/apps.php
Once you are done, run the Keestash worker
systemctl restart keestash-worker &&