Backend Server Installation

Incomplete and still in progress

Before you start with the installation, make sure all requirements are met. If your system fullfills all requirements, the installation of Keestash is very easy:

  • Download the ZIP archive on your web server
  • Verify the downloaded archive with the checksum
  • Unzip and move the folder next to the document root of your web server
  • make sure your web server user is the owner of the files
    • for instance, for Apache on Ubuntu, run the following command: sudo chwon -R <keestash-folder-name>
  • Copy config/config.sample.php to config/config.php and fill the variables:
NameDescriptionRecommended Value
show_errorsshows/hides errors in the response/browserfalse
debugsets the application into debug modefalse
db_hostthe hostname of the database
db_userthe username of the Keestash database user
db_passwordthe password of the Keestash database user
db_namethe database/schema name for Keestash
db_portthe database port
db_charsetthe database charsetutf8mb4
log_requestsonce enabled, all requests are logged into a database tabletrue
email_smtp_hostThe SMTP host to send emails
email_userThe SMTP user that sends emails
email_protocolUsually SSL/TLS
email_portThe SMTP port (usually 465, 587 or 25(not recommended))
email_passwordThe SMTP users password
log_levelThe application log level (DEBUG = 100, INFO = 200, NOTICE = 250, WARNING = 300, ERROR = 400, CRITICAL = 500, ALERT = 550, EMERGENCY = 600)400
hibp_api_keyThe Have I Been PWned API Key – only if you are running password health check
sentry_dsnTo log data (especially errors) to sentry
frontend_urlTo set the redirect links correctly – highly recommended
Keestash Config Documentation
  • then, run the following command(s):
# download and unzip keestash
sudo -u www-data php api/bin/console.php instance:environment --force environment production &&
sudo -u www-data php api/bin/console.php instance:environment --force saas false &&
sudo -u www-data php ./api/vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c api/config/phinx/instance.php &&
sudo -u www-data php ./api/vendor/bin/phinx migrate -c api/config/phinx/apps.php

Once you are done, run the Keestash worker

systemctl restart keestash-worker &&